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Our Children Are Not For Sale

A submission against charter schools by Sav Wallis 

Junior finally turns up

After missing most of the year

I ask if he doesn’t want to be here or there, then where does he want to be?

He said he doesn’t want to be anywhere


Our children are not for sale


Mele keeps falling asleep during class

When I ask her if she got enough sleep

She said she worked a night shift then came straight to school


Our children are not for sale


David has an anxiety attack in the middle of class because he doesn’t want to fail again

When he struggles to do the work

He doesn’t want to disappoint everyone


Our children are not for sale


On gate duty after school, I ask Tina how her break was

She said boring

I joke with her to try cheer her up

She says it’s because her uncle passed away


Our children are not for sale


James is fighting with his dad and see the counsellor most days

Ofa barely has time to study outside of training and church and work and family

Our children are not for sale

Charter schools want to turn our children’s education into profit

To line someone’s back pocket

When my students can barely afford to bring a pen to school

And their parents can barely afford to the weekly shop

Because of rising costs

Or a school jumper for those icy winter mornings in a freezing underfunded classroom

in a building older than the teacher inside


Our children are not for sale


People who don’t know what these kids go through want to put more money

Into the hands of people who don’t need it

and take it from the hands who are trying to make a difference with the spare charge they are given

Into the hands of people who don’t know what being a teacher really means

Into the hands of people who have no idea what our kids really need


Our children are not for sale


Teachers who deal with a hundred kids in a day and with each of them come their 100 problems

Making thousands of decisions

Whilst getting paid thousands less than a back bench MP

Teachers who might lose their jobs to people who aren’t even trained to be teachers

Trained to deliver a curriculum

Trained to plan a lesson

Trained to stop a fight

Trained to have a student confide in you

Trained to then reassure that upset student

Trained to call an angry parent

Trained to stay calm in a moments of chaos

Trained to learn how to deliver a new curriculum and quickly

Trained to mark assessments

Trained to defend a naughty student

Trained to manage the behaviour of 30 children

Trained to answer the questions of those 30 children being asked all at once

Trained to work evenings, weekends and even during “all the school holidays we get”

Not trained to care

but we do because


Our children,

their education,

and their future are

Not. For. Sale.


I ask that this select committee does not allow the Education and Training Amendment bill to pass/go forward.

I ask that this select committee advises that no other legislation regarding charter schools goes into effect.

I ask that this select committee does everything in its power to stop charter schools being reintroduced into Aotearoa’s education system.


Ngā mihi nui